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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Witty Wordsmiths 99

“Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.”

George R.R. Martin

“Time heals all wounds.” I hate using cliches but they are cliches for a reason: because they embody the deepest, strongest sentiment and the farthest-arching reach of meaning than any other combination of words intended to say the same. Now, I could not even begin to identify the origins of this cliché: it could have first been uttered by a Greek poet or first penned by the illustrious Chaucer, or at least interpreted from something they wrote, so attempting to date these words is an impossible task given my resources. 
     Even though its origins are unknown, the phrase, or proverb as some might label it,  does aid in attempting to interpret, or discuss at least, the words here from Mr. Martin. If I was a religious man, or working one of those twelve-step programs (of which I wholeheartedly believe in, despite my lack of religious fervor), I would undoubtedly proclaim “Time” as my higher power. "Time" literally runs my life, my behaviors, my moods, my feelings, and ultimately my actions. When I first realized this fact about my nature, you could not have ever imagined the relief which flowed over my entire being. Relief, not because I discovered the antidote to my harsh shortness with people at times or my utterly biting sarcasm, leading me to ostracize many people in my life—no—realizing this allowed me to recognize the instances when “Time” controlled me, or I lacked it, actually. I realized I was not a quick-tempered individual, I did not lack patience, and I did not think my intelligence greater than others; when these behaviors occurred it was simply the fault of “Time,” and others stealing it from me. Learning this changed how I interacted with people, changed how I organized my personal time, and how I valued each second in my day.
     I know this is a different interpretation or takeaway from the quote above, but I already believe “Time” heals all wounds, or at least makes it easier to recuperate from having the wound opened again, so I read this quote with a different perspective. “Time” is the most valuable entity, object, gift, whatever you want to call it, you can give someone in your life, so if someone is freely giving you their time, please value this and recognize the sacrifice this person is making for you. If you don't, you just might bleed more easily.

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