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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Witty Wordsmiths 84

“Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.”

~ Margaret Mitchell

Before I began using the internet on a regular basis and having it installed in my home, which as unbelievable as it might sound, was only eight years ago or so (email included), I always thought I came up with the sentiment of how having expectations only leads to disappointments. But alas, I am once again foiled by one of my other beliefs, which I've always known wasn't my own, that there is not any such thing as original thought, because I've come across numerous variations of the same sentiment, this quotation included. But is it possible to not have expectations or just not to expect these expectations to come true? I am by no means an unemotional person, although some people in my life would consider it so because of their examples of my lack of empathy, compassion, or sympathy (which I consider examples of not being overly dramtic or just plain logical) but I try daily to live my life without expectations, and most definitely not to be disappointed when they are not met. 

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