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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Already Read It! : A "Novel" Game 35

Can you guess the title and author of the novel depicted in the picture?


CLUE : He's the most famous Greek warrior, even though he had an advantage, but do you know what poem tells his story?

I remember reading these poems in college, being extremely enthralled with the storytelling, despite the difficulty of the language and the repetitiveness of the translations. I do recommend anyone who is willing to tackle the original poems, the earliest translated versions, to also read a modern translation so at least you can experience the storytelling of this poet. There are many good versions out there by the publishers who love publishing the classics and which provide great introductions and critical essays to assist in understanding, evaluating, and appreciating the works. 
     The character depicted in the clue picture always interested me because I never understood why his mother didn't dip him in the River Styx again, holding the other foot so he would be completely invincible, but then, if this was the case, the poet couldn't compose his tragic story and there would not be much drama without weaknesses. This point is one of the factors in my own writing: I'm unable to leave questionable moments, actions, or situations unexplained and for this, my writing suffers. Also, there might have been a reason why she didn't dip him twice, but at this moment, I can't remember.

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